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Sherlock & Watson

Sherlock & Watson

Just read it for fun 

            On a peaceful evening, Holms was sitting on his chair in his room on baker street smoking some weed on his pipe. Watson was sitting next to him. 

Watson:- I know you are an expert in solving mysteries. But you don't know who batman do you. 

Holms:- Actually I do. Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Watson:- What!  how did you found that?

Holms:- Watson my friend, You know the gadgets that Batman uses cost high price. There are only a few people in Gotham city who have that much money. Most of them are skinflint old men. So the only person who got my attention was the young billionaire, Bruce Wayne. Also, I did some digging about when is the Batman first shows up? I found an old newspaper saying about a man wearing a black suit and a mask helping the police to catch bad guys. It could probably be batman. In the same newspaper, I saw an article that says Bilioner Bruse Wayne came back to Gotham City but he hadn't participated in the opening ceremony of the new Wayne tower. Bruce Wayne coming back to Gotham and Batman shows up for the first time, they happened at the same time period. It confirmed my guess so far. So I observed him for a few months and found out Bruce Wayne and Batman never shows up at the same time. Then I realized he is the Batman 

Watson:- Wow! Excellent Holms. So did you also found out who is the Superman? 

Holmes:- Of course Watson. It's the correspondent Clark Kent. 

Watson:- Hah! how did u found that? 

Holms:- While ago Superman died from a fight with doomsday. Also, Clark Kent has died from an accident during he was trying to report about the fight. After few years Superman and Clark Kent were back at the same moment. So I did a little digging about it.  Do you know Watson, ear pills can be used to identify people. When I was looking at Superman's and Clark Kent's photos, I saw both of them have the same ear pills. Also, the same as Batman and Bruce, Clark Kent and superman never showed up at the same time. That's how I found out who is superman is. 

Watson:- Amazing Holmes. If it wasn't you no one will found out about this. So definitely you know who is spiderman, don't you? 

Holms:- Yeah, spiderman is kiddo known as Peter Parker. Also, I found Tony Stark is the Iron man. It only takes me five seconds to find these two. 

Watson:- Wow! how did you found out about them so quickly? 

Holms:- I found out about Iron man from today's morning newspaper. 

Watson:- Genius Holms genius!! how did you possibly know that only from a newspaper? 

Holms:- Tony Stark announced himself as Iron man. 

Watson:- Oh! I see.  What about spiderman. 

Holms:- Also he leaked a video same as his dad 

Watson:- Seriously? so this is how you found out about them so quickly 

Holms:- Yeah, don't ask me now how did I found Tony is Peter's dad 

Watson:- Ok Holms.  I can imagine how did that happen.  Oh! I got late, see you tomorrow Holms.

Holms:- Ok Watson.Goodnight

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Sherlock & Watson Sherlock & Watson Reviewed by Movies addict on 11:09 AM Rating: 5

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