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information from Wikipedia
          Paladins is free to play game and you can download it free on Steam for pc. This game is from Hi-Rez Studios and  Realm Royale and Smite are some of their other games. This game is a multiplayer game and there is no offline mode or story mode in this game. You should have a good internet connection to play this game. The game is made by Unreal Engine 3. Some other games made by this engine are Gears Of War for Xbox 360, Batman: Arkham City, etc. The game developer is Evil Mojo Games. You can also play this on Nintendo Switch. Paladins is exactly the same as Overwatch. Some people say this game is a copy of Overwatch. But Hi-Rez Studios say they began to make this game before Overwatch released. If you google Poor man's Overwatch, search results will be about Paladins. 
          This game has both First Person Shooting(FPS) and Third Person Shooting(TPS) styles. You can switch the camera angle by pressing "C". There are So many Champions to choose and every one has special skills. Every hero has a weapon and 4 other skills. Three normal skills and Ultimate skills.

           Also, You can buy abilities from the shop using credits. You can gain credits when you are playing the game. There are 4 classes. They are Front Line, Damage, Support Flank.  There are four game types in Paladins. 

  • Siege:- There are 2 teams and each team has 5 members. You should try to capture the capture point that is in the middle of the map. When You capture the point your team get 1 point and payload will appear. Then your team has to push the payload to enemy base (spawn point). If your team will manage to push the payload your team will gain another point. If the enemy team able to defend and you won't push the payload enemy team will gain one point. One team should gain total 4 points to win the match. the third point can't be earned by defending. That means you should capture the point to gain the last point.

  • Onslaught:- This is a little bit similar to Team Deathmatch. The different thing is you can also collect points by holding the area in the middle of the map. Killing an enemy player gains five points and when holding the area you gain one point per second. The first team that reaches 400 points or team with the most points after 10 minutes wins.

  • Team Deathmatch:- Popular game mode and many games have this mode. You will be divided into 2 teams and each team has 5 members on their team. The two teams have to fight each other to win. The team that gains 40 kills first wins.

  • Ranked:- You should have at least 15 heroes to play Ranked Match. You can see enemy players heroes selection and when someone selects a hero anyone else cannot choose the same champion. Each team can ban 2 heroes. Anyone cannot get those banned heroes. Your TP will change during the match.

Here is Paladins Siege Gameplay

System Requirements 

Minimum Requirements
Core 2 Duo @2.4 GHz
       4 GB
     NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT  
      Athlon X2 @2.7 GHz
           4 GB
         ATI Radeon 3870
          Recommended Requirements
            CPU    RAM    VGA  
          Intel Core i5-750 @2.67 GHz 
          6 GB
           8 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 
             AMD Phenom II X4 965 @3.4 GHz 
              6 GB
              ATI Radeon HD 7950

                          You can also check your pc specs are enough to play this game by visiting System Requirements Lab. It will auto-detect your pc specs and display if you can play or not. Click here to go to System Requirements lab and click "Can I Run It". Then the detector will be downloaded. Don't exit from the web page. Run the downloaded program and wait till it detects your pc specs. Then you will see your results on the web page. 

                              This game is 100% free to play and you can download it free from Steam for Microsoft Windows. Click here to download Paladins for Microsoft Windows. If you would like to play it from PlayStation 4 you can download it free from PlayStation Store and Click here to download for PS 4. If you are an Xbox player you can download it free from Microsoft Xbox Store. If you need Click here to download Paladins for Xbox One. If you have a Nintendo Switch game console you can download it free from Nintendo Game Store. You can Click here to download it.

                Thank you for reading this. Ask if you have any questions. I will help you if I can.  Leave your idea as a comment. 

                Paladins Paladins Reviewed by sagmadig on 11:25 PM Rating: 5

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