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Interview with Batman & Superman

Interview with Batman & Superman

Just read it for fun          

Welcome everyone, today we are here to know Superman's and Batman's ideas about the fight between them. 

Let's talk to Batman first.

Auditor(Me):- Batman sir how are you? 

Batman:- I'm Batman! 

Auditor(Me):- Yeah we know. So do you have an idea about defeating Superman 

Batman:- I have tons of ideas 

Auditor(Me):- Superman sir how are you doing today? 

Superman:- Absolutely (showing off arm muscles)  my friend (showing off back muscles)  I'm good 

Auditor(Me):- So do you have a plan to defeat Batman? 

Superman:- I have millions of plans 

Auditor(Me):- Ok then. Batman sir what is the best way do you have to defeat superman? 

Batman:- I like to send a kryptonite bullet right trough Superman's head and that will be enough 

Auditor(Me):- Superman sir it's your turn now. How do you suppose to defeat Batman? 

Superman:- I like to defeat him by waiting. 

Batman:- What The F**K. We have a small talk to do. Superman, come with me to the backstage.

Superman:- Sure my friend. Let's go. 

(both go to backstage)

Auditor(Me):- Ok. It seems like we have to wait for a few minutes 

(in the backstage)

Batman:- FRIEND!!! you insulted me on the stage. I told my plans but you insulted me saying you are going to defeat me by only waiting. Such a dickass you are 

Superman:- I was telling the truth. It was my real plan. 

Batman:- WHAT!!! EXPLAIN IT 

Superman:- I'm going to wait till you get old and watch you using a wheelchair. After that, you will be dying on the bed. That's my plan.

Batman:- (laughing) You pathetic idiot! I will get old and die. What about you? The same thing will happen to you.

Superman:- Oh baby, Did you forgot? I'm immortal sweety 

Batman:- You &#*% I will ...... 

(DOOM! DOOM!  Ahhhh!)

(Batman comes to the stage alone)

Auditor(Me):- Oh! you are back. So we can start our conversation now where we left it. 

Batman:- Of course. 

Auditor(Me):- Anyway, Batman sir, where is Superman? 

Batman:- Ohh! he had a little accident at backstage. He had kryptonite bullet gone through his head and now he is waiting in the hell for me. Anyway, he is good at waiting.

Thank you for reading this. Ask if you have any questions. I will help you if I can. Leave your idea as a comment. And don't forget to follow this blog if you like to read more useless stories like this. 

Interview with Batman & Superman Interview with Batman & Superman Reviewed by Movies addict on 7:48 PM Rating: 5

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