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Dota 2

Dota 2

                        2013 July 18 on Linux and OS X
information from Wikipedia
          Dota 2 is free to play game and you can download it free on Steam for pc. This game is from Valve Corporation and  Counter-Strike, Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead are some of their other games. This game is a multiplayer game and there is no offline mode or story mode in this game. You should have a good internet connection to play this game. The game is made by Source Engine 2. The game developer is Valve Corporation. This game is very popular and used for many gaming competitions.

          You won't be able to play this game when you are playing it first. Because you should know the game before you play. Basically, there are two teams and both teams have bases. You should destroy enemy Ancient to win the match.

         There is a river flowing in the middle of the map that divides the map into two sides. One side is for Dire and the other side is for Radiant. There are few buildings belongs to each team on their own sides.

  • Ancient:- Main structure you need to protect. Destroy enemy Ancient to win.
  • Fountain:- Spawn heroes and quick HP and Mana regeneration. Attack nearby enemy units. Can't destroy.
  • Melee Barracks:- Spawn Melee creeps. 
  • Ranged Barracks:- Spawn Ranged creeps. 
  • Defense Tower:- Attack nearby enemy units 
  • Outpost:- Give experience overtime when captured
  • Secret Shop:- Selling Magical items
  • Shrine:- Regenerate allied heroes health and mana when activated 

          There are three lines that creeps are going. At the beginning of each line there are one ranged barrack and melee barrack. Also, there are three Defense Towers on each line. The first tower (tower near the river) has low health and low damage. The second one has medium health and damage. Third Tower (tower near the barracks) has the highest health and damage. Barracks spawn creeps overtime on both sides and they go to the enemy ancient destroying towers in their lines.

        You can choose a hero and help creeps to destroy enemy towers and the ancient. Also meantime you should protect your towers and ancient from enemy creeps and heroes. There are so many heroes for you to choose from. Every hero has their own abilities. Few basic abilities and one ultimate ability. Basic abilities can be upgraded per every 2 level-ups. You should learn the ability before use it. Ultimate ability unlocks in level 6 and you can upgrade it per 6 levels. But Meepo's ultimate ability(Divided we stand) unlocks at level 3 and can upgrade in level 10 and 18. 

         Every hero categorized as Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. Strength increases the hero's health, health regeneration, and magic resistance. Agility increase the armor. attack speed and moving speed. Intelligence increases the hero's mana, mana regeneration, and spell amplification. Strength, Agility, and Intelligence are increasing every time the hero level-ups.

          You can get more abilities and increase the hero's power(damage, health, mana, regeneration, speed strength, etc) by using items in the store. You can buy items using gold from the shop in the spawn place, side shops and from secret shops. Also, you can combine some items and create new more effective items. Sometimes you need Recipe to combine items. You can buy the recipe from the shop at the spawn. You can buy items and combine them or you can buy some ultimate items straight from the shop. But You need a lot of gold for that. So the best thing is combining items. You should decide first what are the ultimate items you are holding and buy basic items.

          There are 6 rune spawn spots on the map. Two powerup rune spawn spots and 4 bounty rune spawn spots. bounty rune gives gold. There are 5 types of powerup runes.

  • Regeneration Rune:- Fully regenerate hero's health and mana hero's 
  • Invisible Rune:- Make you invisible to enemy players.
  • Haste Rune:- Gain full moving speed
  • Illusion Rune:- Make two copies of your hero. New copies don't have your items and they have low health and damage.
  • Double Damage:- Increase your damage 2x
  • Arum Rune:- Cooldown Reduction; 30% and Mana loss Reduction; 30%

Here is Dota 2 Gameplay

System Requirements 

Minimum Requirements
Intel Dual Core @2.8 GHz
       4 GB
     NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600 GT
      AMD Dual Core @2.8 GHz
           4 GB
         ATI/AMD Radeon HD 2600/3600
          Recommended Requirements
            CPU    RAM    VGA  
          Intel Core 2 Duo E7400 @2.8 GHz
          4 GB
           512 MB NVIDIA Geforce  8600 GT
             AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+ 
              4 GB
              AMD Radeon HD 2600 Pro

                          You can also check your pc specs are enough to play this game by visiting System Requirements Lab. It will auto-detect your pc specs and display if you can play or not. Click here to go to System Requirements lab and click "Can I Run It". Then the detector will be downloaded. Don't exit from the web page. Run the downloaded program and wait till it detects your pc specs. Then you will see your results on the web page. 

                              This game is 100% free to play and you can download it free from Steam for Microsoft Windows, Linux and OS X(Mac OS). Click here to download Dota 2 for Microsoft Windows, Linux and OS X(Mac OS).

                Thank you for reading this. Ask if you have any questions. I will help you if I can.  Leave your idea as a comment.  

                Dota 2 Dota 2 Reviewed by sagmadig on 11:25 AM Rating: 5

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